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Blog Format

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Been tinkering with blog formats. Thought I had a good one, but found I couldn’t add things like a blog roll, and some other features. We’ll try this one for a while.

A crime wave fueled from the top

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“Lawlessness: Fueled by this president’s anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric, thugs are attacking cops and terrorizing major cities. Horrible violence is breaking out all over. We are witnessing a national crime wave…Called “racists,” officers’ morale is in the sewer. Cops fear for their safety and worry about being unfairly accused of using excessive force against black criminals.”

Read it here. 

Music to prove the decadence and decline of our civilization

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I often wonder if I’m just nostalgic, remembering better days that weren’t that great. Than I listen to the music that I loved in those days. No, things really were better. Every Wednesday, I’ll post a song that shows where we were just 30 years ago, compared to now. Behold, real art, and live no less. Compare to Miley Cyrus.

Again, wake up America. Stop blaming the police.

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This website is henceforth dedicated to police everywhere, who stand in front of encroaching chaos, and don’t even have the backing of a society that’s killing itself.

The decent into mob rule is approaching quickly. Our society is nuts. Watch this video. Just a sliver of what cops deal with. How would you deal with it?

Shockingly enough, reduced police presence results in increased violent crime in Baltimore.

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Neither the Left or the Right can admit it: People suck.

It’s not just cops that suck, it’s murderers, theives, burglars and rapists. I know that’s tough to wrap our minds around. Civilization didn’t just happen, and it doesn’t continue to happen without a segment of our population dedicated to throwing behind bars those who prey on the civilized. Getting mad at the cop for a speeding ticket does nothing to quell the forces of chaos that are now encroaching on our civilization. When we get tired of the anarchy, get ready for the armies of vigilantes. Then law will be gone. It will be war of all against all.

If life isn’t difficult, at least a little bit, you may be doing it wrong.

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Nothing good is easy.

“Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications, and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, prov­ident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent, if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood; it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government will­ingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and sup­plies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures… what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?

“Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupe­fies a people, till each nation is re­duced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious ani­mals, of which the government is the shepherd.”~Alexis de Tocqueville

Grow up America

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Get your heads out of your collective asses.

Post-Apartheid South Africa: The mirror of America’s dark future.

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In about 30 years minorities will surpass whites in population in the United States. The problems these minorities associate with racism will multiply, because those problems do not in fact stem from racism. As in post-Apartheid South Africa, violent crime will skyrocket in the US. South Africa is the most violent democracy in the world.

First, the white minority will retreat to white-majority states. Living in cities with a high percentage of minorities will become increasingly tenuous. Many will be outraged by this statement. But outrage is not refutation. The facts in most cases can quell outrage, but not in the case of “racism”. Every statistic in every state shows that young black men are the most active violent criminals in the country. Is this a false statistic made by black majority Baltimore, Detroit, and Memphis, governments? Why are these stats so in almost every reporting district, and every police department?

The police will necessarily become more “militarized”. The term “police militarization” is a term in vogue. Mostly what people who use the term mean is that police SWAT equipment looks scary, much like the argument liberals made when banning assault weapons, which in fact had much the same functions as hunting rifles. For the purposes of this essay, I will define militarization as the utilization of classic military “principles of war”. Police forces will conduct some or much of their operations using these principles because as crime evolves and grows, it becomes increasingly indistinguishable from war. These principles are: OBJECTIVE, OFFENSIVE, MASS, ECONOMY OF FORCE, MANEUVER, UNITY OF COMMAND, SECURITY, SURPRISE, SIMPLICITY. 

Libertarians will continue to put the cart before the horse, obsessing about the 1% of bad police, while forgetting that 99% of people in jail deserve to be there.

German sociologist Max Weber stated that governments have legitimate monopolies on violence. In these future city-states, the police will begin to lose their monopoly on violence. Thus, as in Baltimore, increased federal security forces will be required to maintain order, such as the National Guard. Violent clashes and deaths will inevitably occur. The militarized police will eventually come to resemble the South African Special Task Force.

Welcome to the future of policing in America: